Ark commands – dinos, tribes, and crafting
%%Excerpt%% With this list of Ark commands, cheats and codes, you can make your survival journey as easy or as difficult as you like
If you’re in desperate need of food and water but there’s none around you, this Ark commands list just might save your virtual life. Mind you, it’s also a great read if you’re looking for ways to spice up the gameplay, as you can make things a little bit more entertaining. Honestly, there are many Ark console commands that do all manner of things.
Description | Code |
Description | Code |
you can spawn a dino with set characteristics | spawnexactdino |
you can set the value of your stats | setstatontarget |
sets the maximum level for dino spawns | setdifficultyvalue |
determine the number of the current day | setday |
all map buffs are removed | removeallworldbuffs |
you can alter the shadow quality appearance | r.shadowquality |
you can change how the game graphics look | previewmode |
get onto a server of your choice | open |
you can see all buff IDsin the console | listmybuffs |
gets rid of weigh restrictions | infiniteweight |
you can get a fertilised egg from a targeted dino | getegg |
gives the dynamic config an update | forceupdatedynamicconfig |
mutagen bulbs spawn nearby | forcemutagenspawn |
your character recieves a status buff | forcegivebuff |
you can see the locations of mutagen bulbs | findmutagendrops |
inflation increases x10 | dino titanmode |
you can destroy all dinos under a specified type | destroywilddinoclasses |
you automatically harvest all resource nodes within a designated radius | destroyfoliage |
go straight to the final boss of Genesis: Part 1. | debugallowvrmissionteleport |
you can put a property on day cycle manager | dcmset |
water, durability, and energy are added to your items | addequipmentdurability |
go to the location of a specified actor | teleporttoactorlocation |
get your steamid back with a specific playerid | getsteamidforplayerid |
you can restart the map | dorestartlevel |
gives you unlimited health | autocycle |
alter the client graphics quality | setgraphicsquality |
lets you see the on-screen bug display | showdebug |
Toggles debug info display when looking at structures. | debugstructures |
Copies current coordinates and rotation to clipboard (x y z yaw pitch). | copycoordstoclipboard |
destroys the central node for a dino that you target | dino destroycenternode |
the left arm for a target dino is dismembered | dino destroyleftnode |
speeds up digesting time for target dino | dinoset eattime |
sets the blink and intro effect to specified level for target dino | dinoset blink |
makes the MegaMek invisible | dino replayintro |
sets the mek's upkeep interval in seconds for target dino | dinoset upkeepinterval |
enable the mek upkeep for a dino that your target | dino toggleupkeep |
heat remains at 0% for the target dino | dino noheat |
Adds and subtracts specified amount of fuel for target dinosaur | dinoset fuel |
the right arm for a target dino is dismembered | dino destroyrightnode |
fuel for a target dino remains at 100% | dino infinitefuel |
set inflation to maximum for target dino | dino inflate |
allows you to use cheats through the command server | enablecheats |
alter the weather conditions | ce |
alter the game mode through this command | gamecommand |
specify an item or blueprint and it gets added to your inventory | gfi |
turn creature movement on and off | playersonly |
an orbital supply drop arrives at the nearest location | startnearesthorde |
can see all orbital supply drops | listactivehordeevents |
you get all crafting recipes | giveengrams |
specify an item to add to your inventory | giveitemtoplayer |
get 50 units from each resource | giveresources |
you can walk through objects | ghost |
you can either go to sleep or wake up | execsetsleeping |
all tutorials are reset | cleartutorials |
you get all tek engrams | giveengramstekonly |
fly mode becomes activated | fly |
gives you additional XP | giveexptoplayer |
you can turn rider invisibility on or off | hideriders |
you become the founder of your current tribe | maketribefounder |
you now own the target structure and all those connected to it | giveallstructure |
you can join the target tribe | forcejointribe |
all untamed dinos are destroyed | destroywilddinos |
all players in a specified tribe are destroyed | destroytribeidplayers |
all dinos owned by a specified tribe are destroyed | destroytribeiddinos |
you can destroy a specified tribe | destroytribeid |
change the length of your hair | setheadhairpercent |
change your facial hair | setfacialhairstyle |
change the length of your facial hair | setfacialhairpercent |
change the style of your hair | setheadhairstyle |
allows you to turn on god mode | setgodmode |
you can load up a specified map | openmap |
you end your life | suicide |
ownership of the targeted dino becomes yours | givetome |
you become admin of your current tribe | maketribeadmin |
all non-player creatures are destroyed | destroyallenemies |
you are teleported to specified coordinates | movetargetto |
all structures in a specified tribe are destroyed | destroytribeidstructures |
all NPC creatures are destroyed | destroyallenemies |
determine the age of a target baby dino | setbabyage |
mek fuel and heat level returns to 0 for a target dino | dino reset |
inflation is constantly full for a target dino | dino infinitegas |
all blink cooldowns for a target dino are reset | dino reset |
cryo sickness is removed from those you target | clearcryosickness |
all surroudning structures are destroyed | destroystructures |
you destroy all players in a tribe you target | destroytribeplayers |
all creatures of a specified type are destroyed | destroyall |
go straight to specified coordinates | setplayerpos |
all the structures in a target tribe are destroyed | destroytribestructures |
all dinos owned by a target tribe are destroyed | destroytribedinos |
you can go straight to a specified horde event | teleporttoactivehorde |
all snapped structures in a tribe are destroyed | destroytribestructureslessthan |
you can travel straight to set coordinates | tpcoords |
you can level up your character's stats | levelup |
all targets within a ceratin radius can have their stats levelled up | levelupaoe |
autmatically kill a specified player | killplayer |
give as much as XP as you like to any target | giveexptotarget |
a target of your choice gets infinite stats | giveinfinitestatstotarget |
kick a player from the server | kickplayer |
What is Ark?
Ark is a survival game in which you find yourself in a prehistoric setting full of dinosaurs. You can choose to attempt to survive in a solo game mode, or you can opt to join a server and play with other players. You can form alliances or kill your fellow survivors to take what they have. As a survival title, you start with nothing, and must gather all the resources you possibly can to craft all the essentials that you need to survive.
How do I use Ark commands?
Using Ark commands is a fairly straightforward process. On PC, all you need to do is press the menu button and then press tab. For Playstation, press L1, R1, square, and triangle. For Xbox, use LB, RB, X, and Y. Type in enablecheats, and then enter an Ark command.
What are Ark commands?
Ark commands allow you to make alterations to all sorts of in-game content from graphics performance, all the way to the stats for certain dinos. You can also ensure you survive this harsh environment through health commands, as well as through healthy boosts to your stats. Another use for Ark commands is navigation, as you can instantly teleport to a specified area of the map. The possibilities are truly endless.